Practical demonstration with Ukrainian colleagues

In the successful pilot phase of the UCD Ukraine Trauma Project, experts from UCD Centre for Emergency Medical Science (CEMS) have trained almost 100 frontline emergency medical services staff in Ukraine in advanced trauma skills, and provided them with essential equipment to deliver lifesaving treatment using TXA (tranexamic acid).

TXA is a safe and effective medicine that has been used by Irish medics for over a decade to prevent deaths due to severe haemorrhage. However, specialist training and equipment are needed to administer the treatment to severely injured persons. At the request of the Ukrainian authorities, UCD CEMS is equipping the Ukrainian medical services with the necessary tools and training to save the lives of military and civilian casualties of the war.

An urgent appeal
Professor Gerard Bury, Director of UCD Centre for Emergency Medical Science, made an urgent appeal for funding to ramp up the impact of the project as it enters the next phase: “Almost 100 frontline staff have so far been trained and equipped with the essentials they need – but a great deal more is needed. The urgent request from our partners in Ukraine is for more training and equipment. Please support the work of UCD Centre for Emergency Medical Science, UCD Foundation and our Ukrainian charity partners to save more lives.”

UCD CEMS has already trained 30 paramedics in Ukraine and will provide training for a further 50 paramedics.

In the next phase of the Ukraine Trauma Project, a 5-person team from UCD will travel to Ukraine to:

  • establish a ‘train the trainer’ programme (virtual and onsite)
  • provide a supply of standardised kits containing the equipment needed to deliver TXA
  • provide other emergency pre-hospital kit and training as requested
  • collect and evaluate feedback on TXA usage, to persuade other countries to support the widespread availability of TXA treatment across Ukraine and to provide better outcomes for future victims of severe haemorrhage

Help us to save more lives
Thank you to everyone who has supported the UCD Ukraine Trauma Fund to date. Your generosity is helping to save lives on the front line.

More funds are urgently needed to carry on this important work. Please donate below to support the UCD Ukraine Trauma Fund today.

I Want To Give

UCD Centre for Emergency Medical Science has a  track record of training and development in the field of pre-hospital emergency care and has worked closely with Irish statutory emergency services and the Irish Defence Forces for many years.

If you would like to support the UCD Ukraine Trauma Fund, please donate via the button below.

Thank you to all the generous donors who have already supported the UCD Ukraine Trauma Fund.

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